Many times brand protection and IP protections are looked at the two sides of the same coin. While IP protection under the IP laws, looks at various aspects of trademarks, copyrights, patents, geographical indicators, designs etc, but for a comprehensive brand protection, the need is to additionally look at all those areas which affect the brand in its valuation, revenue, market share, profitability etc.
Brand owners need to look at additionally protecting themselves from the challenges faced by unfair competition usually resulting from the following areas
- False product claims
- Non compliance to the legal metrology
- Wrong compliances claims to statutory laws
- Evasion of custom duties/ under-valued imports
- Risks associated with integrity of contract manufacturing & chain integrity
While, managing risk in one of the key components of the strategic plan for organizational growth, But it is still looked at more from the GRC ( governance risk & compliance) perspective. The focus is still on the financial, IT security, internal processes and HES ( health environment & safety) and not so much on the factors indicated above.
It is imperative that today’s organizations need to plan the brand protection measures much beyond the IP protection and need to have chief risk officers, which looks at all these issues in a comprehensive manner.
www.brandsandfakes.com has created a network of top notch professionals, social groups, risk assessment & management personnel to implement a comprehensive methodology supported by innovative use of IT tools, which helps the organizations identify & manage all risks and protect the brand comprehensively.