Managing Counterfeits at Indian Shores

International trade in India is not only affecting the country economy, the balance of payment situation, and the forex reserves but is also affecting financials of various corporates by compromises to their intellectual property. On one hand, in case of imports of goods, there are processes for protecting IP of brand owners at Indian customs […]
Protecting a brand beyond the IP laws

Many times brand protection and IP protections are looked at the two sides of the same coin. While IP protection under the IP laws, looks at various aspects of trademarks, copyrights, patents, geographical indicators, designs etc, but for a comprehensive brand protection, the need is to additionally look at all those areas which affect the […]
Trademark vs. Copyright Protection

Trademark vs. Copyright Protection Intellectual properties of a company cannot be used by others without prior permission; copyright and trademark registration helps you prevent violation of your intellectual property rights. But it is important to understand the basic difference between trademark and copyright; given below. TRADEMARK A trademark helps a customer to identify a brand […]
Compliance to product standards – The India Story

When we look around us, there are products under various categories, which we find carry compliances to various standards -ISI, CE, IEC, FSSI etc. While in few sectors & product categories, it is mandatory by the law, to comply with the standards but, most of the products, don’t have a comply to any standard in […]
Knowledge Management for effective IP Protection

There have been very little efforts by either the brand owners or industry associations to create a solid knowledge management platform for fight against counterfeits and other IP violations. There are serious gaps in the knowledge possessed by various stake holders. Today, the need is to create a comprehensive online knowledge repository/ knowledge platform. This […]
Indian Defence & Counterfeiting Issues

There has been an increased trend of counterfeit products getting into India Defense sector and many other government contracts. If we comprehensively look at the defense sector, the problem is even more complex due to the issues of transparency in procurement process and subsequent visibility or audit on wake of national security. The audit referred […]
Using CSR budget for Brand Protection

Managing budget for brand protection activities have always been an issue for most of the brand owners. Generally, brand owners have specific budgets earmarked for brand protection, which is either a part of the legal budget or part of the brand promotion budget. While it makes sense to have the brand protection budget as a […]
Measuring Effectiveness of Brand Protection Spend

Many brands in India have been measuring the effectiveness of the brand protection spends by way of the seizure value of the good in criminal/civil actions. While it may be a good idea to get some objectivity in the internal brand protection teams of brands owners, but their actual effect on the market scenario may […]
Planning the Court Proceedings in Criminal IP Enforcement Actions

Many brand owners and IP enforcement agencies have been registering criminal cases against the violators across India with a very short term objective of pushing the sales in a particular territory or achieving some numbers of seizures values, for staying relevant within the organization. There is no serious planning for getting the registered criminal cases […]
Dynamic QR codes for fighting the Counterfeits

For a comprehensive plan against anti-counterfeiting & brand protection, dynamic QR codes provide a very effective solution, which is very easy to implement, is robust and an optimum solution. The application works on providing a unique code to each individual unit of the product in the form of QR (Quick Response) code. These codes are […]