Everyone understands the importance of good investigation for any effective action against counterfeit products but looking at the current scenario prevalent in India, the fact is, this is one of the most neglected activities.
The organizations working as a service provider (law firms or private enforcement agencies) actually have very little or no interest in undertaking detailed investigations. There are two primary reasons for that— a) generally; the brand owners don’t want to pay separately for detailed investigations, in order to cut cost b) the service providers either lack capabilities or willingness to undertake detailed investigations because of commercial & conflicting interests.
Since, these investigations also take a lot of efforts, cost and time, the interests of both brand owners and service providers is very limited. In order to show immediate results, sometimes, long-term interests of brand owners are compromised.
Many brands today feel that even after undertaking a lot of actions and spending a lot of money, the effectiveness is not there at all. Added to this, is the measurement of effectiveness by seizure value which incidentally also includes the look-alike products.
The need therefore is not only to look at the anti-counterfeiting activities very differently, but also focus on high impact cases and invest money in very detailed (also paid) investigations, for actual business benefits.
The 3-tier brand protection model offered by www.brandsandfakes.com comprehensively addresses all the issues with the brand protection. The network of professional investigators and a certified network of new generation investigators help brand owners to drive immense value out of the various brand protection & anti-counterfeit activities.