For a comprehensive plan against anti-counterfeiting & brand protection, dynamic QR codes provide a very effective solution, which is very easy to implement, is robust and an optimum solution.
The application works on providing a unique code to each individual unit of the product in the form of QR (Quick Response) code. These codes are generated at the back end through the best-in-class algorithm and are random, unpredictable and non-cloneable. Once the unit is coded, it can be verified by the consumers (or any actor in the supply chain) easily by scanning it through smart phone. The back end responds to the query made and verifies/provides details about the product instantly. Apart from the verification, the application can also be utilized to track & trace the Supply Chain and as a promotion & advertisement platform. The system also provides the user analytics and report, which can be utilized for market /consumer analysis.
The analytics and track & trace functionality has been very effective not only for consumer’s self-verification for counterfeit products but also have helped brand owners to reach to the source of counterfeiting (manufacturers) using technology interventions.
The technology arm of Brands & Fakes has built a very sophisticated algorithm and a very cost-effective dynamic QR code solution, which has been running very well in one of the largest FMCG organizations in the food business.