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December 10, 2015 0

Smarter Communication for effective Brand Protection

Posted by:admin onDecember 10, 2015

Communication plays a very vital role in marketing and brand building activities for any brand. Over the years, the type of communications and the channels of communications have also evolved. Digital & social channels today offer very targeted communications, even for brands which were largely using ATL tools for promotions and mass connect. With the advent of the new sales channels, brand owners ( across sectors) have also realized that the sales channels need to continuously engage & communicate with the consumers to sell products.
If we look at the way the communication have been used for brand protection, we find it has been largely limited to the creating a kind of fear in the trade channels by publishing some news articles in print media, on specific enforcement actions being done by brands across regions. There is also feeling that communications about the counterfeits is likely to affect the brand adversely and generally any direct communication to consumers is avoided.
There is a need to re-look at this whole strategy of using communication for brand protection. The trade channels are far more connected today and use various mediums to connect within themselves, with the other entities involved the supply chain and also their consumers. So, it is important that brand owners use the new communication channels very smartly, to give specific messaging to the trade channels to protect their brand. The need is to have communication strategy rolled out in a fashion, which creates an environment in which the trade channels are dissuaded to undertaking any violation at the very first place. These communications coupled with the extension of the physical network of tech savvy “brand protectors” and internet enabled methodologies for real time data collection/ processing helps brands to keep real time continuous vigil over the market/ violations & violators.
These smarter communications, when used with the IP enforcement actions and a mechanism to train & motivate the eco system, gives the brand an comprehensive brand protection strategy and moves from a largely “Reactive” to a largely “ProActive” protection. is one such platform, which helps brand to use smart communication to build and implement a comprehensive brand protection strategy.

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