Express Report
Nomination for Advocacy Council
NGO Connect Program

Forums and Collaboration

Brands and fakes platform offers various forums for business collaboration, information dissemination & knowledge collaboration and is a perfect tool for using social media channels for brand positioning & consumer enagagement.

The platform offer the forums and collaboration tools in the following areas

  • Industry specific forums for brand owners
  • Blogs and Information collaboration
  • Social media engagements and consumer communities

Online Industry specific forums allows brand owners to collaborate on an online basis and build a database of violations, violators, by regions, by type of actions, the specific activities, which have delivered specific results. This tools also fosters the brand collaboration for collaborative actions in specific markets and against specific entities. The tool also allows to build database of actions executed for future reference within a brand or within an industry vertical.

Blogs on the IP matters, brand protection, brand promotions allows the stake holder to online collaborative and share spefic data for the interest of the eco systems of Brand and Fakes network.

Social Media integration and engagements allows brand owners to convey specific messages with the other stake holder, consumers and industry in general. The innovative integrated social platforms allows two way communication and helps all stake holder to contribute to a cause which benefits the interest of all the stake holder.

My Caring Brands

Brands and Fakes has aligned the capabilities of the service delivery eco system with the industry verticals, so that the Brands under various industry verticals and sub verticals are able to get services from expertise in their specific domains.
